St Mike’s Food Bank Hub
What are doing?
We’re so aware that people are struggling at present with the rising cost of living. We want to live out our vision of being a beacon of hope and light in our community, so we’ve been working alongside Bournemouth Food Bank to open as a Satellite of Bournemouth Food Bank at the back of St Mike’s. We hand out food parcels to those with a voucher who need emergency food provision.
How can I help?
Firstly, we need donations. At the back of St Mike’s there’s a basket for food and toiletry donations. Food should be long life and in date.
We need helpers. Click the button below to go to the Trussell Trust website to sign up to join in. We’d love you to commit to helping a few hours on a regular basis. Some jobs involve lifting, others chatting to people and making refreshments!
Finally, we need your prayers - please be praying for us and this work, and for all those needing our help and support at this time.
I need help
We are now open from 5-7pm each Monday and on Thursdays from 10am-12. We can only given out parcels on receipt of a voucher - if you need one of these , have a look on the Bourneouth Food Bank website to find out where you might be able to get one from.