Who we are
St Mike’s Church is a community of people trying to follow Jesus with every bit of our lives. Our dream is to be a beacon of light and hope in West Bournemouth.

Our story
People have been worshiping at St Mike’s since Victorian times. The church was built on the highest part of Bournemouth to seat a thousand people and to serve the needs of the poorest in the local community. Over the years, the church has sought to reach out to those in need, whether through running a homeless shelter in the hall, through being a venue for local addiction support, or more recently hosting the Carpenter’s Workshop, a rehabilitation project for former rough sleepers.
In 2019, the church started a journey of transformation and change, with the help of Strategic Development Funding from the Church of England. We officially relaunched in December 2021 and we’re growing as disciples so that we can be a beacon of light and hope in West Bournemouth.
We want to build a church for everyone with a passion to live out the adventure of faith in a way that is attractive and engaging for those in their 20s and 30s, the biggest age group represented in our local community. We choose to actively create a place of welcome for those speaking the 55 different languages of our church primary school. We seek to craft a vibrant ministry to children and families of all shapes and sizes to reach the unreached pockets of our community and see lives transformed by Jesus.
Our vision
As a church community, we want to be a beacon of light and hope in West Bournemouth.
Our Values
As a church, we always seek to:
Love God;
Live Authentically and Wholeheartedly;
Demonstrate Hope in Words and Action.
We are motivated by a deep love of God expressed through a desire to serve him and seek after holiness in all that we do and all that we are.
We bring our whole selves to everything. We live out the generosity we have been shown by God. We are broken people made whole by Jesus.
We care passionately for those in need, body and soul. We seek every opportunity to talk about Jesus but also to proclaim the Kingdom of God through social action.
Visit Us
Poole Road,
Bournemouth, BH2 5QU